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             Resource Standard Metrics™ for C, C++, C# and Java
                   Version 7.71 -

  License Type: Company Site License
  Licensed To : M Squared Technologies LLC
  License No. : ST1000                          License Date: Mar 06, 2009
  Build Date  : Mar  7 2009                         Run Date: Mar 07, 2009 
  ©1996-2009 M Squared Technologies LLC™  

  License File: C:\Program Files\MSquared\M2 RSM\rsm.lic
  Config. File: C:\Program Files\MSquared\M2 RSM\rsm.cfg
  Command Line: -H -SExtract Strings Report -Es cell.h game.h ocean.h play
                er.h sub.h target.h timer.h utility.h cell.cpp game.cpp oc
                ean.cpp player.cpp player_solution.cpp seahunt.cpp sub.cpp
                 target.cpp timer.cpp utility.cpp Fibonacci.cs 

                           Extract Strings Report

                    ~~ Literal String Extraction Mode ~~

  File: cell.h

      10: target.h
  End of File: cell.h

  File: game.h

       8: ocean.h
       9: player.h
  End of File: game.h

  File: ocean.h

      11: utility.h
      12: cell.h
      13: target.h
  End of File: ocean.h

  File: player.h

      11: ocean.h
  End of File: player.h

  File: sub.h

       8: utility.h
       9: target.h
  End of File: sub.h

  File: target.h

      33: Uninitialized
  End of File: target.h

  File: timer.h

  End of File: timer.h

  File: utility.h

  End of File: utility.h

  File: cell.cpp

       8: cell.h
      93: Hit
     100: Already Hit
     106: Miss
     115: sub.h
     120: Cell Unit Test
     145: Failed to place target: already popluated
  End of File: cell.cpp

  File: game.cpp

       3: game.h
      14: Memory Allocation Error
      20: Memory Allocation Error
      61: You Win! and Get an A Grade
      67: You are a LOSER! and Get an D Grade
      72: Hit Again 0-No 1-Yes 2-Ocean 3-Targets
  End of File: game.cpp

  File: ocean.cpp

       9: ocean.h
      10: Sub.h
      15: Stealth Spy Submarine
      16: Rescue Submarine
      17: Supply Submarine
      18: Attack Submarine
      19: Boomer Submarine
      29: Ocean Name
      30: Number of Targets
      33: Constructed Ocean
      72: Destructed Ocean
     103: Target
     104: Position
     104: of
     105: Row Position
     106: Column Position
     107: Depth Position
     116: Ocean
     117: is already populated
     130: Hit a spot in the
     131: Row Position
     132: Column Position
     133: Depth Position
     155: Ocean Depth
     157: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
     191: Ocean Target Status
     193: Target Count
     194: Active Targets
     195: Destroyed Targets
     198: Ocean Target
     232: Ocean Unit Test
  End of File: ocean.cpp

  File: player.cpp

       3: player.h
      14: Player Name
      65: Player
      66: Elapsed
      68: Minutes
      69: Score
      70: Hit/Miss
     110: Pacific
     111: John Smith
  End of File: player.cpp

  File: player_solution.cpp

       3: player.h
      17: Constructed Player
      24: Player"s Name
      29: Constructed Player
      38: Destructed Player
     103: Player
     104: Elapsed Time
     105: Number of Attempts
     106: Number of Hits
     107: Score
     150: Player Name
     162: Placing
     163: Choosing
  End of File: player_solution.cpp

  File: seahunt.cpp

       5: game.h
      12: Seahunt
  End of File: seahunt.cpp

  File: sub.cpp

       5: sub.h
      17: Submarine Name
      18: Submarine Maximum Depth
      19: Submarine Armor
      35: Constructed Sub
      42: Destructed Sub
      49: Sub
      51: Max Depth
      81: CheckDepth(5
  End of File: sub.cpp

  File: target.cpp

       3: target.h
      10: Unknown
      11: No Damage
      12: Damaged
      13: Dead
      24: Constructed Target
      32: Destructed Target
      90: Armor
      91: Hits
      92: Status
     102: Generic Target
  End of File: target.cpp

  File: timer.cpp

       3: stdafx.h
       6: timer.h
      10: Process Timer
      57: Elapsed Time
      59: s
      65: User CPU Time
      66: s
      67: System CPU Time
      68: s
      69: Wait Time
      70: s
      72: Elapsed Time
      73: s
     138: Example Process Timing
     146: PATH
  End of File: timer.cpp

  File: utility.cpp

       7: utility.h
      40: to
      44: Enter
      63: Invalid Entry
      68: Invalid Entry
      77: Enter
      87: Press Any Key to Continue
  End of File: utility.cpp

  File: Fibonacci.cs

      13: The Fibonacci series are
      14: 0}, {1
      19: 0
  End of File: Fibonacci.cs


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