
Report Banner - Edit rsm.cfg File

             Resource Standard Metrics™ for C, C++, C# and Java
                   Version 7.71 -

  License Type: Company Site License
  Licensed To : M Squared Technologies LLC
  License No. : ST1000                          License Date: Mar 06, 2013
  Build Date  : Mar  7 2013                         Run Date: Mar 07, 2013 
  ©2013 M Squared Technologies LLC™  

  License File: C:\Program Files\MSquared\M2 RSM\rsm.lic
  Config. File: C:\Program Files\MSquared\M2 RSM\rsm.cfg
  Command Line: -H -SExtract Comments By File Report -EC cell.h game.h oce
                an.h player.h sub.h target.h timer.h utility.h cell.cpp ga
                me.cpp ocean.cpp player.cpp player_solution.cpp seahunt.cp
                p sub.cpp target.cpp timer.cpp utility.cpp Fibonacci.cs 

                       Extract Comments By File Report

                           ~~ Function Metrics ~~
                        ~~ Template Identification ~~
                         ~~ Comment Documentation ~~
                        ~~ Comment Extraction Mode ~~

  File: cell.h

       1: // cell.h
       2: //
       3: // Specification for type cell
       4: // A cell is a piece of an ocean
       5: //

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt

      18: // constructor
      19: // destructor
      29: // copy constructor
      30: // true if the cell is hit
      31: // assigned to the cell
      34: // depth of the ocean

  Namespace End: Seahunt

      37: // namepsace Seahunt
      39: // CELL_H
  End of File: cell.h

  File: game.h

       1: // game.h

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt


  Namespace End: Seahunt

  End of File: game.h

  File: ocean.h

       1: // ocean.h
       2: //
       3: // Specification for type ocean
       4: //

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt


  Namespace End: Seahunt

      45: // OCEAN_H
  End of File: ocean.h

  File: player.h

       1: // player.h

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt


  Namespace End: Seahunt

  End of File: player.h

  File: sub.h

       1: // sub.h

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt


  Inline Function: Seahunt::Sub::Abstract
  Parameters: (void)

  Inline Function: Seahunt::Sub::Abstract
  Parameters: (void)

  Namespace End: Seahunt

      27: // namespace Seahunt
  End of File: sub.h

  File: target.h

       1: // target.h
       2: // specification for the target base class
       3: //
       6: // Notes:  Turn on symbol TARGET_UNIT_TEST to test the component

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt

      26: // base class
      38: // Method interface for derived objects
      42: // return the status of the targer

  Inline Function: Seahunt::Target::Get_armor
  Parameters: (void)

  Inline Function: Seahunt::Target::Get_armor
  Parameters: (void)
      49: // pure virtual method creates abstract class for
      50: // deployed application, cannot create an instance
      51: // of this class outside the test driver.

  Inline Function: Seahunt::Target::Target
  Parameters: (const Target & t)
      66: // cannot pass target by value from a private
      67: // copy constructor

  Inline Function: Seahunt::Target::Target
  Parameters: (const Target & t)

  Namespace End: Seahunt

      72: // namespace Seahunt
      74: // TARGET_H
      76: // eof target.h
  End of File: target.h

  File: timer.h

       3: // timer.h
       4: //
       5: // Process timer
      19: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      22: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      25: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      28: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      31: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      34: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      37: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      46: // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      78: // eof timer.h
  End of File: timer.h

  File: utility.h

       1: // Utility Class

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt

      17: // convert int to ascii
      19: // convert float to ascii

  Namespace End: Seahunt

  End of File: utility.h

  File: cell.cpp

       1: // cell.cpp
       2: //
       3: // Implementation for type cell where cell is a piece of an ocean.
       4: // Cell contains a pointer to the base class Target.  Through
       5: // the based class pointer Cell polymorphically calls Hit of the
       6: // derived target object/

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt


  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Cell
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Cell
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Cell
  Parameters: (const Cell & c)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Cell
  Parameters: (const Cell & c)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::~Cell
  Parameters: ()
      33: // do not cleanup the target

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::~Cell
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Set_xyz
  Parameters: (int _x, int _y, int _z)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Set_xyz
  Parameters: (int _x, int _y, int _z)

  Inline Function: Seahunt::Cell::Get_x
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Get_x
  Parameters: (void)

  Inline Function: Seahunt::Cell::Get_y
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Get_y
  Parameters: (void)

  Inline Function: Seahunt::Cell::Get_z
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Get_z
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Set_target
  Parameters: (Target * t)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Set_target
  Parameters: (Target * t)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Get_target
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Get_target
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Hit
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Cell::Hit
  Parameters: (void)

  Namespace End: Seahunt

     111: // namespace Seahunt

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)
     141: // fails for already popluated
     150: // miss
     153: // hits
     158: // multiple common hit

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)
     166: // eof cell.cpp
  End of File: cell.cpp

  File: game.cpp

       1: // game.cpp

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt


  Function: Seahunt::Game::Game
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Game::Game
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Game::~Game
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Game::~Game
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Game::Play
  Parameters: ()
      45: /* Place the sub in the ocean */
      94: // fall through

  Function: Seahunt::Game::Play
  Parameters: ()

  Namespace End: Seahunt

     107: // namespace
  End of File: game.cpp

  File: ocean.cpp

       1: // ocean.h
       2: //
       3: // implementation for ocean
       4: //

  Namespace Begin: Anonymous - File Scope


  Namespace End: Anonymous - File Scope


  Namespace Begin: Seahunt


  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Ocean
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Ocean
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Init
  Parameters: (void)
      43: // Go through the target list and delete the objects

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Init
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::~Ocean
  Parameters: ()
      62: // Go through the target list and delete the objects

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::~Ocean
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::PlaceTarget
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::PlaceTarget
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::TargetPlacement
  Parameters: (Target * t)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::TargetPlacement
  Parameters: (Target * t)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Hit
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Hit
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Show
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Show
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::ShowTargets
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::ShowTargets
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Get_target_count
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Get_target_count
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Get_active_targets
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Get_active_targets
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Get_destroyed_targets
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Ocean::Get_destroyed_targets
  Parameters: (void)

  Namespace End: Seahunt

     225: // namespace Seahunt

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)
  End of File: ocean.cpp

  File: player.cpp

       1: // player.cpp

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt


  Function: Seahunt::Player::Player
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Player
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Player
  Parameters: (std::string n)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Player
  Parameters: (std::string n)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::~Player
  Parameters: ()
      28: // no dynamic memory allocated by the object

  Function: Seahunt::Player::~Player
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Hit
  Parameters: (Ocean * ocean)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Hit
  Parameters: (Ocean * ocean)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Score
  Parameters: (Ocean * ocean)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Score
  Parameters: (Ocean * ocean)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Show
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Show
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Get_score
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Get_score
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Get_number_hits
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Get_number_hits
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Get_number_tries
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Get_number_tries
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Get_name
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Get_name
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Set_name
  Parameters: (std::string n)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Set_name
  Parameters: (std::string n)

  Namespace End: Seahunt

     104: // namespace

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)
  End of File: player.cpp

  File: player_solution.cpp

       1: // player.cpp

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt

       8: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Player
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Player
  Parameters: ()
      21: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Player
  Parameters: (const std::string& label)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::Player
  Parameters: (const std::string& label)
      33: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::~Player
  Parameters: ()
      36: // no dynamic memory allocated by the object

  Function: Seahunt::Player::~Player
  Parameters: ()
      42: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::reset
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::reset
  Parameters: (void)
      50: //-----------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::begin
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::begin
  Parameters: (void)
      57: //-----------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::elapsed
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::elapsed
  Parameters: (void)
      64: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::hit
  Parameters: (Ocean* ocean)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::hit
  Parameters: (Ocean* ocean)
      84: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::place_targets
  Parameters: (Ocean* ocean)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::place_targets
  Parameters: (Ocean* ocean)
      90: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::score
  Parameters: (Ocean* ocean)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::score
  Parameters: (Ocean* ocean)
      99: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::show
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::show
  Parameters: (void)
     111: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::get_score
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::get_score
  Parameters: (void)
     118: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::get_number_hits
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::get_number_hits
  Parameters: (void)
     125: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::get_number_tries
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::get_number_tries
  Parameters: (void)
     132: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::get_name
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::get_name
  Parameters: (void)
     139: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::set_name
  Parameters: (const std::string& n)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::set_name
  Parameters: (const std::string& n)
     146: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: Seahunt::Player::set_name
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Player::set_name
  Parameters: (void)

  Namespace End: Seahunt

     153: // namespace
     155: //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)
  End of File: player_solution.cpp

  File: seahunt.cpp

       1: // seahunt.cpp

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)
  End of File: seahunt.cpp

  File: sub.cpp

       1: // sub.cpp

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt


  Function: Seahunt::Sub::Create
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::Create
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::Create
  Parameters: (std::string name, int a, int d)

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::Create
  Parameters: (std::string name, int a, int d)

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::Sub
  Parameters: (std::string name, int a, int d)

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::Sub
  Parameters: (std::string name, int a, int d)

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::~Sub
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::~Sub
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::Show
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::Show
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::Hit
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Sub::Hit
  Parameters: (void)

  Namespace End: Seahunt

      68: // namespace Seahunt

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)
      88: // SUB_TEST
  End of File: sub.cpp

  File: target.cpp

       1: // target.cpp

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt


  Function: Seahunt::Target::Target
  Parameters: (std::string n, int a, int d)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Target
  Parameters: (std::string n, int a, int d)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::~Target
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Target::~Target
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Get_status
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Get_status
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Get_depth_limit
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Get_depth_limit
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Get_name
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Get_name
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Hit
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Hit
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Reset
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Reset
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Show
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Target::Show
  Parameters: (void)

  Namespace End: Seahunt

      95: // namespace Seahunt

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)
     116: // UNIT_TEST
     118: // eof target.cpp
  End of File: target.cpp

  File: timer.cpp

       1: // timer.cpp

  Function: Timer::Timer
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Timer::Timer
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Timer::Timer
  Parameters: (const std::string &label)

  Function: Timer::Timer
  Parameters: (const std::string &label)

  Function: Timer::~Timer
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Timer::~Timer
  Parameters: ()

  Function: Timer::reset
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::reset
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::start
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::start
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::show
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::show
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::stop
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::stop
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::get_user_time
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::get_user_time
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::get_system_time
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::get_system_time
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::get_wait_time
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::get_wait_time
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::get_non_wait_time
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::get_non_wait_time
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::get_elapsed_time
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Timer::get_elapsed_time
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)
     142: // begin some processing ...
     150: // end some processing ...

  Function: main
  Parameters: (void)
     159: // eof timer.cpp
  End of File: timer.cpp

  File: utility.cpp

       1: // utility.cpp

  Namespace Begin: Seahunt

      12: // convert int to ascii

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::itos
  Parameters: (int i)

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::itos
  Parameters: (int i)
      23: // convert float to ascii

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::dtos
  Parameters: (double d)

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::dtos
  Parameters: (double d)

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::UserEntry
  Parameters: (std::string label, int & entry, int min, int max)

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::UserEntry
  Parameters: (std::string label, int & entry, int min, int max)

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::UserEntry
  Parameters: (std::string label, std::string & entry, int length)
      79: // bug in VCPP 5.0 does not work correctly

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::UserEntry
  Parameters: (std::string label, std::string & entry, int length)

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::WaitKey
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::WaitKey
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::ClearScreen
  Parameters: (void)

  Function: Seahunt::Utility::ClearScreen
  Parameters: (void)

  Namespace End: Seahunt

  End of File: utility.cpp

  File: Fibonacci.cs

  Namespace Begin: test


  Function: test.Fibonacci.Main
  Parameters: ()
      11: //1st number
      12: //2nd number
      18: //Each number is the sum of the two previous numbers
      21: //Update the variables for the two previous numbers

  Function: test.Fibonacci.Main
  Parameters: ()

  Namespace End: test

  End of File: Fibonacci.cs


          Report Banner - Edit rsm.cfg File