
          Report Banner - Edit rsm.cfg File

             Resource Standard Metrics™ for C, C++, C# and Java
                   Version 7.71 -

  License Type: Company Site License
  Licensed To : M Squared Technologies LLC
  License No. : ST1000                          License Date: Mar 06, 2013
  Build Date  : Mar  7 2013                         Run Date: Mar 07, 2013 
  ©2013 M Squared Technologies LLC™  

  License File: C:\Program Files\MSquared\M2 RSM\rsm.lic
  Config. File: C:\Program Files\MSquared\M2 RSM\rsm.cfg
  Command Line: -H -SBaseline Size Modification Report -wx old_workfile.da
                t, new_workfile.dat 
  Diff Config.: C:\Program Files\MSquared\M2 RSM\rsm_workdiff.cfg

                      Baseline Size Modification Report

                         ~~ Metrics Differential ~~
                             Based On Code Size

  Older Work File: old_workfile.dat
  Creation Date  : Sat Mar 07 22:11:49 2013

  Newer Work File: new_workfile.dat
  Creation Date  : Sat Mar 07 22:11:49 2013
  Work Time Differential Between Files:
  Time Delta:            0 Seconds
                0:00:00:00 Days:Hrs:Min:Sec

  File Metrics Differentials Based on Code Size Differences
  State    LOC    eLOC    lLOC Comment  Blanks   Lines  Fcount   Cyclo   Inter Complex Quality    eLOC% File
  Equ        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0     0.00 cell.cpp
  Equ        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0     0.00 cell.h
  New       88      52      32       4      17     107       3      16       3      19      18   100.00 game.cpp
  New       23      19       9       1       7      31       0       0       0       0       4   100.00 game.h
  New      217     143      83       7      29     252      12      32      13      45      64   100.00 ocean.cpp
  New       34      30      20       5       9      47       0       0       0       0       2   100.00 ocean.h
  New      100      70      38       3      24     126      12      14      16      30      32   100.00 player.cpp
  New       32      28      17       1       8      41       0       0       0       0       2   100.00 player.h
  New      132      90      48      20      37     188      17      21      22      43      13   100.00 player_solution.cpp
  Equ        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0     0.00 seahunt.cpp
  Equ        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0     0.00 sub.cpp
  Equ        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0     0.00 sub.h
  New       98      68      33       4      19     119       9      11      12      23      22   100.00 target.cpp
  New       46      38      18      15      18      77       2       2       3       5       8   100.00 target.h
  New      130      98      36       4      25     159      13      16      14      30      31   100.00 timer.cpp
  New       49      47      19      12      17      78       0       0       0       0       1   100.00 timer.h
  New       84      56      33       4      11      98       6      13      15      28      13   100.00 utility.cpp
  New       20      16       8       3       7      30       0       0       0       0       1   100.00 utility.h
  Source Metrics Differential Profile Based on Code Size Differences
  State    LOC    eLOC    lLOC Comment  Blanks   Lines  Fcount   Cyclo   Inter Complex Quality Av.eLOC%   Files
  New     1053     755     394      83     228    1353      74     125      98     223     211   100.00      13
  Rem        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0     0.00       0
  Equ        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0     0.00       5
  Mod        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0     0.00       0

  Total Metrics Newer Source Files
  Files         18
  LOC         1312
  eLOC         940
  lLOC         498
  Comments     115
  Blanks       295
  Lines       1699
  Fcount        94
  Cyclo        155
  Inter        129
  Complex      284
  Quality      269

  Total Metrics Older Source Files
  Files          5
  LOC          259
  eLOC         185
  lLOC         104
  Comments      32
  Blanks        67
  Lines        346
  Fcount        20
  Cyclo         30
  Inter         31
  Complex       61
  Quality       58

  Total Metrics Size Differential (new-old)
  Files         18
  LOC         1053
  eLOC         755
  lLOC         394
  Comments      83
  Blanks       228
  Lines       1353
  Fcount        74
  Cyclo        125
  Inter         98
  Complex      223
  Quality      211

  Total Metrics Size Differential Percent = [(new-old)/old * 100]
  Files     260.00 %
  LOC       406.56 %
  eLOC      408.11 %
  lLOC      378.85 %
  Comments  259.38 %
  Blanks    340.30 %
  Lines     391.04 %
  Fcount    370.00 %
  Cyclo     416.67 %
  Inter     316.13 %
  Complex   365.57 %
  Quality   363.79 %
