~ RSM Help Documentation~
Resource Standard Metrics provides a standardized approach to measure the
quantity and quality of source code within a module or a project. This
program can analyze a C, C++, Java or C# source for metrics and semantic
quality problems that most compilers do not identify.
~ Source Code Metrics and Analysis ~
RSM measures source code for quantity and quality metrics. Size metrics
are described by counting "lines of code". Source code quality analysis
is measured by semantic analysis of the code beyond the syntax rules of
the language.
(LOC) A line of code is defined as a line within a source file
that is not a comment or blank line. Lines that contain both
source code and comments are counted as an instance of each.
(eLOC) Resource Standard Metrics defines an effective line of code
as a LOC which is not a stand-alone braces {} or parenthesis ().
This metric more accurately defines the quantity of work performed in
a source code module and is an invention of M Squared Technologies.
We have found that eLOC is the metric we intuitively estimate as
experienced software engineers.
(lLOC) Logical Lines of code are defined as code statements or
those lines which end in a semicolon. The "for" loop structure
accounts for one lLOC.
Source code line LOC eLOC lLOC Comment Blank
if (x<10) // test range x x x
{ x
// update y coordinate x
y = x + 1; x x x
} x
Logical lines within a source file can exceed the physical lines within a
file code and comments occur on the same physical line. The sum of code,
blanks and comments equates to the logical lines. Metrics programs that
show code, comments and blank lines equal to the physical lines are not
accounting for a second instance of code or comments.
Various key words and statements are provided for code analysis.
Readability and code quality can easily be determined by analyzing
the quality notices, comment percentage, white space content and key
words used within the source code.
~ Program Operation ~
Source files may be processed via wild cards, recursively down a file tree
or from a specified list of files or directories. The evaluation copy of
this program will only process 20 files at one execution. Files are normally
processed in the order they are discovered by the input mode. The option
-Rn will sort the input list alphabetically for sorted processing. The -F
option processes a specific list of files or directories.
RSM operates through a series of switches and options. RSM processes
files via several input modes and creates reports via several output modes.
This user manual details the input modes, output formats, modes and runtime
Switches start with a dash: -h -s -w
Some switches can have options : -hs -wg
Some switches have compound options: -O"my output file.txt" where
the compound options must be delimited by quotes and be adjacent to the switch
~ Operation Step by Step ~
RSM is designed to operate according to the following process.
Each step of the process is covered in detail in this manual.
Step 1: Determine the output format, -H -C -X or no switch for text.
"no option" ASCII UNIX Text Format
-C CSV format for spreadsheet import
-X XML format for use with XSL files
use with -u"File XSL /tmp/some.xsl"
for custom HTML reports
-H HTML format with hyperlinks
Step 2: Determine the output file relative to the format.
-O"report.htm" -H WWW Browser Report
-O"my report.csv" -C Spreadsheet Report
-O"report.txt" Text Report
An option to using the -O option is the use of the shell
redirection to a file. This is useful if a DOS text file
is desired versus the RSM -O UNIX text format.
rsm -s *.cpp > report.txt
Step 3: Specify the report type using the various report switches
individually or by aggregation.
-fa -c -o Functions, Complexity, Objects
-Es -Ec Extract strings and comments
-hs Help Syntax
Step 4: Specify the file input mode using file names, wild cards,
file lists or recursive descent.
.\inc\anyfile.h Ordinary file names.
*.h *.cpp Wild cards, command line expansion
-F"somefilelist.txt" File list of names and directories
-r"h,c,cpp,java,cs ." Recursive descent where . specifies
-r"h,cpp,java,cs /project" The current working directory.
Step 5: Creating the RSM command line.
rsm anyfile.h anyfile.cpp
rsm -O"analysis.txt" -n \proj\*.h \proj\*.cpp
rsm -O"metrics.txt" -Ta -Tl -TN -F"project1_list.txt"
rsm -H -O"metrics.htm" -fa -c -o -r"h,cpp,java,cs ."
rsm -C -O"metricsdiff.csv" -w"x baseline1.dat, baseline2.dat"
rsm -X -O"metricsdiff.xml" -u"File XSL /tmp/myrep.xsl" -w"x baseline1.dat, baseline2.dat"
~ Program License File ~
RSM uses an encrypted license file to provide each user with a
unique license tailored to each user's runtime requirements. RSM will
look for the license file rsm.lic at the location specified by the
environment variable RSMLICHOME before RSMHOME.
If the license file is not found at the RSMLICHOME or RSMHOME location,
RSM will search the system PATH for the rsm.lic file. If the license file
cannot be located, RSM will warn the users and default to the SHAREWARE
mode. If the rsm.lic file detects that the file contents have been
modified, RSM will default to the SHAREWARE mode. Hacking the RSM
license file will void the end user license agreement.
~ Program Configuration ~
RSM is configured from a configuration file, rsm.cfg. If the configuration
file is not found, RSM creates a configuration file. You can edit the
configuration file with an ASCII editor to change the operation parameters
of RSM. The configuration file is heavily commented to assist in this
customization. You may use the -hc option to examine the rsm.cfg file.
RSM looks for the rsm.cfg file at the location where the license file
was found. The rsm.cfg file, like the license file should be placed in
a directory is located on your system path. The file name has to be
~ Source File Requirements ~
RSM is designed to process only source code from the C, ANSI C, C++
ANSI C++, Java 2.0, and C# languages. RSM requires that each source
file be compilable. RSM reads no preprocessor directives so that it
may analyze all the source within a file. RSM will always process header
files prior to source files unless overridden by wild card ordering.
There may be macros used within the source code of which RSM may not be
aware. Windows defines macros and keywords that are outside the language
specification. These macros must be defined to RSM in the rsm_macro.cfg
file. This configuration file is located with the rsm.cfg configuration
~ Switches and Options ~
RSM uses runtime switches to configure its operation. There are two types
of switches. The plain switch takes no parameter and the complex switch
requires a modification parameter. Switches like f, o, v, c are plain
switches that may be specified by using a dash for each switch or by running
them as a single string.
i.e. Plain Switches: rsm -fa -o -c -m -n -v *.cpp
Complex switches must be separated by a dash(-) for each switch. Each
complex switch requires an additional modifier.
i.e. Compound switche options: rsm -k4 -r"h,cpp c:\src"
~ Files/Directories Names and Wild Cards ~
The Windows operating system requires DOS type paths and filenames. The UNIX
OS requires UNIX paths and filenames. Under Windows, filenames are case
insensitive where in UNIX they are case sensitive. The rsm.cfg configuration
file has a setting that must reflect the case sensitive aspect of the (OS)
operating system or incomplete identification of files may result.
Windows files or directories with spaces within their names must have these
names delimited with quotation marks, "c:\Program Files".
i.e. normal with wild cards: rsm -fa -c *.c *.cc
recursive descent: rsm -fa -o -r"c,cc,h,hh /proj"
read a file list: rsm -fa -o -c -F"filelist.txt"
(Windows) rsm -fa -c c:\src\*.h c:\src\*.c
(UNIX) rsm -fa -c /src/*.h /src/*.c
~ Source Code File Input Modes ~
RSM processes files in one of four modes. Modes cannot be mixed.
1. Direct Files
rsm -fa -o /proj/src/filename.cpp
2. Wild Cards
rsm -fa -o /proj/inc/*.h /proj/src/*.cpp
Note: The order of header files must come before cpp files.
3. Recursive descent of a directory tree
rsm -fa -o -r"h,cpp /proj/src"
4. Reading from a list of files or directories
rsm -fa -o -F"/proj/filelist.lst"
~ Program Output Modes ~
RSM can output its reports in three modes. Modes cannot be mixed.
1. Direct output to the screen
rsm /proj/src/filename.cpp
2. Direct output to a file
rsm -O"report.txt" proj/src/*.cpp
3. Redirection to a file
rsm -r"h,cpp /proj/src" > report.txt
~ Program Output File Formats ~
RSM can create reports in four formats, text, HTML, CSV, and XML.
1. Text or default mode
rsm -O"report.txt" *.h *.cpp
2. HTML Format
rsm -O"report.htm" -H *.h *.cpp
3. Comma Separated Variables (spreadsheet import)
rsm -O"report.csv" -C -fa *.h *.cpp
4. XML Format
RSM -O"report.xml" -X -u"File XML myreport.xsl" -Td *.cpp
~ Run Time Switch Options ~
This document is a simple contextual reference to help users with RSM
switches and options.
The options shown with an asterisk '*' can be aggregated together to form
compound reports. Some experimentation will be required to find the
combination of options that yield the desired result. For a complete
cross correlation of all switches and options, please reference the
on-line manual.
Detailed use and examples for runtime switchs/options can be found through
the user's manual located in the rsm directory, manual.htm. Open this file
in a web browser or access the manual via the internet at:
* Allocation/De-allocation of Memory Mode
Produces metrics on memory creation through the counting of instances
of malloc, calloc, realloc and new. Memory de-allocation is measured
by counting free and delete. This metric is useful for focusing on
functions which use dynamic memory. Most program bugs can be attributed
to problems in dynamic memory management.
i.e. rsm -a *.c
* Benchmark Mode
This mode tracks the CPU, User, Wait and elapsed time for the running
of RSM. This mode is intended to create a timing metric for RSM so
that the time required to execute metrics is known. It may also
serve as a benchmark for comparing RSM to other like products,
although no other products are known which have as many features as RSM.
i.e. rsm -b *.c
* CSV File Output Format
The CSV mode creates a Comma Separated Variables output for import
of metrics directly into spreadsheet programs. This output can be
redirected to a file then directly opened by MS Excel.
-C -fa Functions and Files
-C -fp Function points derived from LOC
-C -i Inheritance Tree
-C -s File Summary
-C -T* All -T reports
-C -w"x old.dat, new.dat" Work file extraction
i.e. rsm -C -fa *.cpp *.c > metrics.csv
rsm -C -Ta -k5 *.h *.cpp > metrics.csv
rsm -C *.h *.cpp > diff.csv
rsm -C -O"baseline_diff.csv" -wp -w"x oldfile.dat, newfile.dat"
rsm -C -Ti -O"proj_inherit.csv" -F"projfiles.txt"
* Complexity Mode
This mode measures both cyclomatic complexity and function interface
complexity. Function cyclomatic and interface complexity are combined
to form function total complexity.
Cyclomatic complexity is consistent with McCabe's definition where each
decision point or predicate node is counted plus 1 for the function body.
Cyclomatic complexity describes the number of logical pathways through a
function and is typically used to asses whether a function can be de-
composed into several functions. V(g) is the symbol used to describe
this metric. This metric can also indicate the number of test cases
required in unit test to fully test a method.
You may redefine how RSM calculates the cyclomatic complexity by modifying
the cyclomatic complexity includes that are detailed in the rsm.cfg file.
You may generate the initial configuration file by using the -y parameter.
The default behavior for RSM is McCabe compatibility.
Functional interface complexity is calculated by summing the number
of function input parameters and the number of return states. This
metric can be useful when analyzing the complexity of a function's
interface. A function's estimated size can be related to a function's
interface complexity using the -e option.
Function complexity is calculated by the sum of cyclomatic complexity and
the interface complexity. The maximum and average complexity is reported
for the file and for all files processed or the entire project.
i.e. rsm -c *.java
De-Character Source Files
De-character source code to remove tabs and convert source code from
DOS to UNIX and UNIX to DOS format. This option operates in a
standalone mode and modifies the original source. You must have the
source code "checked out" and have write permissions to use this
-Dt Remove tabs where the tabs/space setting is in the
rsm.cfg file.
-Dd Create DOS formatted files where each line terminates
in a carriage return and new line.
-Du Create UNIX formatted files where each line terminates
in a new line.
i.e. rsm -Dt -Du *.h *.cpp
rsm -Dt -Dd -r"h,c,cpp,java,cs c:\proj\game"
Deterministic Mode
This mode will show the user how a line of code is interpreted by RSM
Many metrics tools yield metrics that create metrics of LOC, Comments
and blanks lines. When these metrics are added, the number equals the
number of physical lines. Therefore, if comments are on the same line
as the code, what metrics has the tool not accounted for.
RSM counts all LOC, comments and blanks and sums these metrics into a
logical line count that usually is greater then the physical line count.
RSM measures effective lines of code by accounting for the lines of
code that are single "{", "}", "};", "(" or ")" characters.
i.e. rsm -d source.c
This mode produces the validation of the given source against the LOC
algorithm of Resource Standard Metrics. Output will echo each
line of code and a state of the LOC determination.
Example Output:
Line 1: /* functions using pointers to functions */
LOC Type(s):
Line 2:
LOC Type(s):
Line 3: void calculate(int x) /*standard includes*/
LOC Type(s):
Line 4: {
LOC Type(s):
Extract Strings or Comments from Source Code
Extract strings or comments from a source file. This feature allows
for the creation of a file which contains text. The file can be
processed by spell checker such as MSWord or GNU ispell. Each string
and/or comment is output with the line number where it is located
within the source file. This option should be used without any other
RSM formatting options.
-Ec Extract comments
-Es Extract literal strings
-EC This mode extracts comments relative to functions and
classes for the specified files by either wild cards or
file specification options. This mode should not be used
with other metrics options.
i.e. rsm -O"spellcheck.txt" -Es -Ec *.h *.cpp
rsm -Es -r"h,c,cpp,java c:\proj\game" > spellcheck.txt
rsm -EC *.cpp
* Estimation Analysis Based on LOC and Complexity
Estimation analysis presents LOC, eLOC, lLOC per: function
input parameter; function return state; interface complexity
(parameters + returns); cyclomatic complexity and total
functional complexity (Interface + Cyclo) complexity.
i.e. rsm -e *.c
* File List Mode
This mode will process files and directories from a text list file.
The list must be a text file compliant to the specified format. The
-RL mode can be helpful in creating a file list.
This switch requires a compound option which much be delimited with
quotes and located directly adjacent to the switch.
Windows Command Line Example:
c:\rsm\rsm.exe -k1 -TL -Rl -F"d:\Project 1\rsminput.txt"
UNIX Command Line Example:
/usr/rsm/rsm -k1 -TL -Rl -F"/Proj/rsminput.txt"
File List Content Syntax
File Format:
Files must be the complete path and file name.
i.e. c:\project\src\vertex.java
Directory Format:
Directories must the full path. The following parameters to
the directory are required for processing the directory.
-r Recursive descent of the directory
-n No Recursive descent
c,h,cpp Types string tells RSM which kind of files
directory Starting point for processing
i.e. -r java /proj/java/source
-n h,cpp /proj/cpp/source
Environment Variable Expansion:
A line in the input file can expand environment variables to
enhance the flexibility in programming mode. The enviroment
variable must be in the format %ENVAR% in the file line.
i.e. -r h,cpp %PROJ%
This format is how RSM expands the environment variable regardless
of the operating system or shell used.
Example File
-r h,c,cpp,java,cs %PROJ1%
-n java d:\javasrc\src
Note that no wild cards are valid in this mode. Blank lines are ignored.
Lines leading with a # character are not processed and considered comments.
* Function Analysis Mode
Functional analysis mode determines the functions in a source file and
if quality notices are turned on, it will perform quality checking upon
the functions. Modes -f and -n are often used together.
-fa Functional LOC and Identification Analysis
-fd Functional cyclomatic complexity detailed metrics
Shows counts of branching structures, works with -c and -fa
-fp Function Points derived from LOC metrics. The default values
originate from:
Applied Software Measurement, Caper Jones, McGraw Hill, 1996.
Language LOC per Function Point
C 128
C++ 53
C# 53
Java 53
-fm Function methods and attributes annotated from a class.
i.e. rsm -fa -fp -n *.c
* HTML Output Mode
This mode creates HTML output with color, fonts and hyperlinks to the report
files. Such output is meant to be processed by a WWW browser like Netscape
Navigator or MS Explorer. You may set the background color of the HTML
reports by setting the associated parameter in the rsm.cfg file. If the
background is not set, then the browser default background color will be
used. The HTML option is designed for use with all RSM reports and options
designated with an asterisk '*'.
i.e. rsm -H -O"metrics.htm" -fa -cn *.c
rsm -H -O"metrics.htm" -wp -w"x rm122819.97, rm122919.97"
rsm -H -w"x rm122819.97, rm122919.97" > metrics.html
The HTML text, vlink and link color must be specified together to
override the standard browser default. You may redefine the specified
HTML colors by setting the configuration item associated with each
color. HTML colors may be specified by the #000000 hex value or by
the text word.
HTML hyperlinks are by default the literal file name. If you
desire relative hyperlinks you can set the associated rsm.cfg file
setting, Relative HTML Links: Yes.
Help Mode
Produces the help output. Such output can be printed under UNIX
by piping the output to a printer (lpr) or redirecting it to a file.
-hc Configuration Settings
-hs Syntax only
-hf Full Help Text Document
-hl License Information
-hn Quality Notice Types
-hp Small Syntax and Pause Prompt
-hu EULA, End User License Agreement
i.e. rsm -hs | lpr
rsm -hf > help.txt
rsm -O"help.txt" -hf
i.e. rsm -hs > prn
rsm -hf > help.txt
* Inheritance Tree Generation
This mode will generate an inheritance tree of all classes in the
current file set. It is assumed that the user creates a file set
that has some meaning to a design. When using wild cards, one should
process header files before the implementation files.
i.e. rsm -i *.h *.cpp
* Key for Report Sorting
This mode will sort the respective summary data as specified by the key
numeric identifier. This mode requires a modifier as specified below.
-kd Sort in descending order, default is ascending
-k0 No sorting methods -T reports (default & fastest operation)
-k1 Sort by namespace/package, class or function name
-k2 Sort by LOC
-k3 Sort by eLOC
-k4 Sort by lLOC
-k5 Sort by Cyclomatic Complexity
-k6 Sort by Work File Difference State
-k7 -Td report sorted by function count
-k8 -Td report sorted by quality notice count
-k9 -Td report sorted by file date
-k10 -Td report sorted by file size
i.e. rsm -fa -o -k3 *.h *.cpp
* List Function Name Mode
This mode produces a list of functions that can be cut and pasted from
the output into the comment header of the file which was processed. It
will create a report where all function names are correlated with their
parent file. This is useful when documenting the system.
i.e. rsm -l *.cc *.c
Example Output:
Function: Show
Function: Drawable::Drawable
Function: Drawable::Show
* Macro Mode
Macro mode is similar to function mode except it reports the names of
the macros within the source. Macros are a common cause of maintenance
and portability headaches, so locating their existence is quite
In Windows code there may be an occurrence of placing a macro between the
function name and the function open parenthesis or between the class
name and the opening brace. You must tell RSM about the macros by either
processing the macro prior to its use or you may added the macro by
name to a special file called rsm_macro.cfg. Names in this file
are read at startup so that RSM knows about your macros defined in other
portions of the code that may not be processed by RSM. The rsm_macro.cfg
file is located with your rsm.lic license file.
i.e. rsm -O"metrics.txt" -fa -m *.c
* Quality Notice Format Mode
Quality notices by default are displayed in a verbose format.
This option displays a single line summary of the quality notice.
-Ns Single line summary format
-Nv Visual Studio and KAWA interactive format
Quality notices output in Visual Studio format allows the user,
inside Visual Studio environment, to double click on a quality
notice and jump directly to the file and specified line number. For
specific information on setting up RSM as an integrated tool to Visual
Studio visit the RSM web site, http://mSquaredTechnologies.com
i.e. rsm -fa -o -c -Nv *.h *.cpp
i.e. rsm -fa -o -c -Ns *.h *.cpp
* Quality Notice Mode
Turns on quality checking on the source for approximately 50
common problems which create difficult maintenance, porting or
semantic bugs the compiler simply misses. This mode will return
the number of notices to the operating system upon RSM normal
exit. This will enable scripting languages to pick up the non-zero
exit state and flag the end user.
i.e. rsm -O"metrics.txt" -fa -n *.cc *.c *.cpp
* Output Report to a file
This mode routes the RSM report from the stdout or screen to a file.
If the file cannot be opened, RSM will output the report to the screen.
This switch requires a compound option which much be delimited with
quotes and located directly adjacent to the switch.
i.e. rsm -H -o -fa -O"rsm_report.htm" *.cc *.cpp
rsm -C -Ta -O"rsm_report.csv" -F"project_files.txt"
rsm -O"proj.txt" -r"h,c /proj"
* Object Class/Struct Metrics
This mode details metrics for each class specification identified
within the source code. Metrics include LOC, lines of code, eLOC,
comments, blanks, the number of public, protected, private
attributes and methods. If a class implements inheritance, it is
shown with the respective base classes.
i.e. rsm -o -fa *.cc *.cpp
Print Format, Code Listing Mode
This mode generates a code listing for the files specified by
name, wild card, file list or recursive mode. Files are created with
a user specified header, file name, page number, file date and line
numbers for each line of code. Line numbers correspond with the
line numbers generated from other RSM modes. This output is
suitable for publication and peer reviews.
i.e. rsm -p *.cc *.c *.cpp
rsm -p -F"filelist.txt"
rsm -p -r"cpp,h,hh ."
Page format switches that apply to print code-listing mode.
-B1 Top Margin, Default 0
-M10 Left Margin, Default 5
-P66 Page Length, Default 55
-L72 Line Length, Default 80
i.e.. rsm -O"lst.txt" -p -B5 -M5 -P60 -L78 -S"My Code" .\src\*.c
* Read File Processing Options
RSM processes files from 1 of four modes.
1. Direct Files
rsm -fa -o /proj/src/file
2. Wild Cards
rsm -fa -o /proj/src/*.cpp
3. Recursive descent of a directory tree
rsm -fa -o -r"h,cpp /proj/src"
4. Reading from a list of files or directories
rsm -fa -o -F"/proj/filelist.lst"
The following options modify the way RSM processes the files
to be analyzed.
-Rl Generate a list of all files which will be processed
in RSM operation. This list may be cut from the report
to provide a project file inventory or used at a stating
point for creating a file list to process. This option
exits upon listing the files.
-Rn Sort the file names found by the file read mode.
Normally, RSM does not sort alphabetically, but this
option will process files in a sorted order instead
of the order they were listed or found in the directory
-Rd This mode turn off recursive decent for a directory.
This option does not apply to the recursive flag in the
file list. See the file list section for more information.
i.e. rsm -Rn *.h *.cpp
rsm -Rn -r"c,cpp .\proj"
rsm -Rd -r"h,cpp c:\Program Files\proj"
* Recursive Descent Mode
-r"ext,ext directory"
Recursive descent mode will process all the specified files
from a given point in the directory tree. A file spec must
be specified as a list of file extensions separated by commas.
The starting point must be a directory.
This switch requires a compound option which much be delimited with
quotes and located directly adjacent to the switch.
i.e. rsm -r"h,c,cpp,java,cs c:\My Project"
rsm -fa -a -c -r"c,cpp ./proj"
rsm -fa -a -c -r"cc,c,h,hh .\mysrc"
rsm -v -RN -r"h,c c:\srcs"
* Summary Mode
Summary mode summarizes the LOC, eLOC comments and blanks per file.
This mode presents the metrics in a summarized format.
i.e. rsm -H -O"summary.htm" -s *.c
String Title
-S"Report Title String"
The string specified places a report title at the top of the RSM
report page. Typically this is used to identify the project.
i.e. rsm -H -O"summary.htm" -s -S"My Project Metrics" *.c
* Totals Only Mode
This mode only displays project totals for all files processed.
In this mode, other reporting data is suppressed. This mode
makes it easy to determine grand totals for your project. This
mode requires a modifier as specified below. You may use the -k
option for sorting the report by different keys.
-Ta All Totals, Functions, Classes, Interfaces, Namespaces
Quality Notices and LOC Summary
-Td Total File Details List (-k sorting)
-Tf Total Functions
-Ti Inheritance Tree Only
-Tl Summaries Only, No Lists of functions, classes etc.
-TL Language Metric Summary
-Tn Quality Notices by file and line number
-TN No Filename output for total report
-Tq Total Quality Notice Summary List
-To Total Structs, Classes, Interfaces, Namespaces
-Tp Total Quality Notice Profile
-Ts Total LOC Summary
-Tv Total verbose metrics
-Tw Totals for work file metrics differentials
i.e. rsm -Ta -k3 *.c *.cpp
rsm -Ta -TN -r"c,h c:\src"
rsm -Tn -TN -r"c ./project"
User Management Mode
Administration mode for RSM has some features that are license dependent.
The user log is called rsm.log and is located in the rsm directory.
All RSM Licenses
-us Show User Log
-u"File CFG path\file.cfg" User defined RSM config file
-u"File XML path\file.xsl" User defined XML XSL translation
Network License Options
-ua Archive the user log
-ur Remove user from the user log
i.e. rsm -us
rsm -ua
rsm -ur
* Verbose Mode
Verbose output shows many metrics for each file and a grand
total for all files. This mode provides many different numbers
which the user can interpret.
i.e. rsm -fa -o -a -c -m -n -v *.cpp *.c
Work Analysis Based on Baseline Metric Differentials
Work analysis is the capability to track LOC metrics on a specific
code tree over time. This facility will create a differential metrics
file for use with the -wx mode. The -wx mode can process any two work files.
Some -w switches requires a compound option which much be delimited with
quotes and located directly adjacent to the switch.
-wb Display the basis for estimate of the work productivity
calculation. This parameter is normally used with -wp and -wx
-w"create baseline_top_dir"
Creates a work file where all files are processed relative
to the specified baseline top directory. The work file name
is by default named after the date, rm112220.00 and stored in
the current working directory. The work file name can be
changed by using the -w"File dat " option. If you desire
non-relative files in the work file you can specify this in
the rsm.cfg file.
i.e. rsm.exe -w"create c:\My Project" -r"h,cpp c:\My Project"
-wD Deterministic mode for differentials showing the format
of the code differential file when using -wc.
-wd Perform individual file differentials for lines of code
metrics. The normal baseline metrics comparison mode
shows a file is modified when a net change in LOC size is
made to the size of the file in LOC. This switch identifies
lines in a file that have changed from one source file to
another. This mode create a differential file for each
source file whereby being time and space intensive. A
modified file will show lines that have been added, delete
and modified. Each differential file name is shown using
the -wv option. This option is used with -wc and -wx.
-we This option does not process those files that are equal
between the old baseline and new baseline.
-w"File dat usernamedfile.dat"
This option allows the user to specify the name of the
generated work file. The date named file rm081420.02 is replaced
by the user specified filename.
i.e. rsm -w"File dat mywork.dat" -w"create ." -r"h,cpp,java ."
-w"File cfg myconfig.cfg"
This option allows the user to specify a configuration file
for the baseline differential report. Upon the first use of
-wx, RSM generates the file rsm_workdiff.cfg. This file maybe
copied and tailored to provide the specific type of metrics
differential report desired. The use may specify which data
metrics to include in the report and indicate how removed file
metrics effect the total baseline metric in either a positive
of negative manner.
i.e. rsm -wg -wp -w"File cfg mydiff.cfg" -w"x old.dat, new.dat"
-wg This option provide a glossary for the work differential
report. This information will help you understand the
the abbreviations of the report.
-wm This option does not process those files that are modified
between the old baseline and new baseline.
-wn This option does not process those files that are new
between the new baseline and old baseline.
-wp This option creates productivity metrics based upon user defined
data for work hours, days, shifts and man hours. This data
can be used to track and predict programmer productivity
between baselines.
-wr This option does not process those files that are removed
between the old baseline and new baseline.
-ws Show code differential details for each file showing line
number, removed or modified, and line type.
-wv Verbose mode for metrics differential file names
-w"x old.dat, new.dat"
Work Analysis Extraction from Work Analysis Files
This mode extracts the work analysis differential between two
work analysis files. These work analysis files must be based
on the same code tree. The reported metrics will show LOC
information based upon the time differential between these
two files. Always specify the older baseline work file before the
newer baseline work file.
i.e. rsm -w"x , "
rsm -H -O"diff.htm" -w"x baseline1.dat, baseline2.dat"
rsm -C -O"diff.csv" -w"x rm111019.97, rm111419.97"
* XML File Output Format
The XML mode creates a extensible markup language output for the
creation of customer HTML reports using an XSL translation or for
parsing and input into other metrics accounting systems. This mode
is most powerful with the -u"File XSL file.xsl" switch.
-X -T* All -T reports
-X -w"x old.dat, new.dat" Work file extraction
i.e. rsm -X -Ta -k5 *.h *.cpp > metrics.xml
rsm -X -u"File XSL report.xsl" *.h *.cpp > custom_report.xml
rsm -X -O"baseline_diff.xml" -wp -w"x oldfile.dat, newfile.dat"
rsm -X -Ti -O"proj_inherit.xml" -F"projfiles.txt"
Extended Option Mode
The extended options effect the basic operation of RSM. These options
usually include options that generically effect all reporting modes.
-xNOCONFIG No configuration file reporting in output
-xNOCOMMAND No command line reporting in output
-xUDQNSHOW Show the User Defined Quality Notices loaded from the
RSM configuration file, rsm.cfg. An example file is
provided, rsm_udqn.cfg.
-xNOWRAP Do not wrap long names in reports.
For Example:
rsm -s -xNOCONFIG -xNOCOMMAND *.h *.cpp
RSM Configuration Parameters
-y or -hc
This option shows the RSM configuration parameters. These settings
can be made by specifying their values in the rsm.cfg file.
The emitted format is compliant with the rsm.cfg syntax. You can
easily create the rsm.cfg file by redirecting the output to a file
called rsm.cfg.
i.e. rsm -y > c:\rsm\rsm.cfg
Please note the rsm.cfg and rsm.lic file must be found in a directory in
the system path or at the location specified by the environment
variable RSMHOME
~ Support, Sales and Licenses ~
Please contact M Squared Technologies for all RSM licenses. All
licenses turn on the unlimited file processing.
License : Company Site License
Licensed To : M Squared Technologies LLC
License No. : ST1000
License Date: 03/06/2009
Compile Date: Mar 7 2009
Paid Licenses include the latest revision, pre-compiled for Windows
Vista/XP/2000 or UNIX. Single user or Network licenses available. UNIX
licenses include un-modifiable source code for compiling on your exact
machine and UNIX operating system. The source is compilable on any ANSI
UNIX C compiler.
If the information you desire is not located in this manual please refer
to the on-line manual on our website.
Resource Standard Metrics and M Squared Technologies are Trademarks owned
by M Squared Technologies.
(C) 1996-2009 M Squared Technologies
All rights reserved
Email - sales@mSquaredTechnologies.com
Web Site - http://mSquaredTechnologies.com