RSM Wizard
Tutorial - Baseline Differentials
1. With work files created for two similar baselines, we are ready to process a baseline metrics differential. RSM provides two methods for differentials, size differential by lines of code and line change differentials when using the -wd option. The report used in this example uses the -wd option.
Double click the "M2 Baseline Differential Metrics Between Work Files (HTML) report.
2. You will be prompted for the older or historical baseline work file. Press the [Set] button to select the work file.
3. We select the baseline_1_workfile.dat
3. You will next be prompted to select the newer or present work file. We select the baseline_2_workfile.dat file.
4. The report will be executed and the report will be presented in the web browser. The RSM - Whitepaper on RSM metrics differentials explains in detail the RSM metrics algorithms. The support forum also describes the methods that RSM performs new, deleted and changed (diff) source lines of code.